A history of greenspace and parks A history of greenspace and parks
by David Thorpe,
illustrations by Hunt Emerson

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Birmingham's Handsworth Park

Birmingham's Handsworth ParkIn 1994 a group of local people began to campaign against a plan to build on the site of an old swimming pool and the sale and development of the Victoria Jubilee Allotments site next to the park, the original public recreation ground before the park was established, most of which had never been built on.

The allotments site is still being fought over.

The group renamed itself the 'Handsworth Park Association', when it became clear that the park was to be improved and cared for properly.

In 1999 Birmingham City Council published its Parks Strategy document, formally marking the end of a long period of neglect of many local parks. At the begining of a long list of objectives the document says the strategy will ensure that "a network of high quality parks and other green spaces are provided for Birmingham's citizens and visitors".

The document is ambitious in its intention to meet Government priorities.

The objectives of the Association are contained in the Constitution and include:

a) to preserve Handsworth Park for the benefit of the community locally and in the surrounding area.

b) to promote the educational use of the park.

c) to encourage a general appreciation of the history, flora and wildlife of the Park.

Young people

Young people are really involved in the park with the University of the First Age and open air classrooms. A local Youth Parliament has helped decide on how Lottery funding should be spent, suggesting trees and plants, paths and ponds, wild life and sports.

More info:

Handsworth Park Association

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